A "never-ending avenue" of architectural wonders with Samuel Thomas and Steven Watkins

July 24, 2024
A "never-ending avenue" of architectural wonders with Samuel Thomas and Steven Watkins

Samuel Thomas

After struggling with depression, Samuel Thomas found that painting was his solution.He aims to inspire one to feel uplifted and truly engaged with the natural world. A unifying theme that runs throughout his paintings is

that of escapism. He captures idyllic places and

sunnier visions of the world to escape the darkest days we may find ourselves in. The theme of optimism is explored through his geometric Pop Art, as he shares the purest parts of his recovery with the viewer.


Steven Watkins

Stephen is a Suffolk based artist with a background in Architecture. He focuses his art on city skylines to help capture and preserve important places and memories for people. Primarily using acrylic paint on canvas to create iconic skylines, the artist ensures that

each painting is a story of something, some place, or someone who changed a person and made them who they are today. At times, his skylines are relatively literal and straight forward, capturing important places that mean something for his customers or himself. Other times they're more abstract to represent the way we experience a place differently depending on our state of mind

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